
核查是由美国政府制定的一个程序.S. 教育部对此进行了确认 accuracy of information provided on the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA). The verification process requires our office to verify or confirm the data reported 由您和/或您的父母提交给FAFSA.

If you are selected for verification, an email will be sent to your Louisburg email, and you will be required to provide documentation to verify the information you reported 在FAFSA上.

The verification process is not complete until all submitted documentation has been 经我们办公室和美国政府核实.S. 教育部已经收到并接受 对原始FAFSA数据的任何更改.


You will be notified via your Louisburg email if you have any unsatisfied requirements that must be met before a federal financial aid award will be determined. 如果你是 selected for verification, the documentation you submit will be compared to the original FAFSA和更正可能会作出. 这些修正可能会改变学生的期望 Family Contribution (EFC) which could affect the financial aid award amount. 如果修正 were made, you will receive a new Student 援助 Report (SAR) from the Department of 教育.



  • 访问财政援助办公室
  • 邮件:




  • 电邮至:finaid@promisesurfing.net


After verification is completed, you will be notified through your Louisburg email 当收到联邦财政援助的申请时.



  1. 可在国税局网站查阅 www.国税局.政府
  2. 点击主页上的“获取您的纳税记录”.
  3. 点击“在线获取成绩单”.
  4. 按照提示请求成绩单.


  1. 可致电国税局800-908-9946查询
  2. Tax filers must follow prompts to enter their Social Security Number and the numbers 在他们的街道地址. 一般来说,这将是街道地址的数字 在最近提交的纳税申报表上列出了什么.
  3. Select the option to request 美国国税局纳税申报表 and then enter the year 你在请求.
  4. If successfully validated, tax filers can expect to receive a paper IRS Tax Return Transcript at the address included in their telephone request within 5-10 business 在国税局收到申请后的几天内.

纸质申请表格- IRS表格4506年t-ez

  1. 国税局的形式 4506年t-ez 在申请国税局纳税申报表时应该使用.
  2. 按照表格第二页的说明,完成第1-4行.
  3. Line 5 provides the tax filer with the option to create a unique customer file number 这将出现在笔录上. 不需要完成这一行.
  4. On line 6, enter “2021” to receive tax information for the 2021 tax year.
  5. The tax filer must sign and date the from and enter his/her phone number.
  6. When requesting a transcript using the paper process, either spouse may submit the request and only one signature is required to request a transcript for a joint return.
  7. Mail or fax the completed 国税局的形式 4506年t-ez to the appropriate address (or FAX number) 表格4506年t-ez第2页提供.
  8. Tax filers can expect to receive their transcript within 10 business days from the 国税局接收和处理他们签署的请求的时间.

对于财政年度的申报者,使用 国税局4506-T表

A Tax Account Transcript cannot be accepted in place of 美国国税局纳税申报表.                                          


Verification of Non-filing provides proof that the IRS has no record of a filed Form 你要求的年份是1040英镑. 非税务申报人可以要求国税局的核实 不提交2021年的纳税申报表是免费的. 有两种请求方式 a .非申报证明,可以通过网上的 国税局的网站 或向国税局提交4506-T表格.



  1. 可在国税局网站查阅 www.国税局.政府.
  2. 点击主页上的“获取您的纳税记录”.
  3. 点击“在线获取成绩单”.
  4. Enter the non-tax filer’s Social Security Number, email address, filing status, account
     numbers for loan or credit card 和你的名字联系在一起, and mobile phone
  5. 点击“继续”
  6. “Verification of Non-filing 信” and in the Tax Year field, select “2021”.
  7. If successfully validated, you will be able to view your IRS Verification of Non-filing

纸质申请表格- IRS表格4506-T

  1. 下载 国税局4506-T表.
  2. 按照表格第二页的说明,完成第1-4行.
  3. Line 5 provides the tax filer with the option to create a unique customer file number
     这将出现在笔录上. 不需要完成这一行.
  4. Line 6a, 6b, 6c or 7: Select the checkbox on the right hand side for one of these
  5. 第9行:年份或期间请求字段,输入“12/31/2021”.
  6. The non-tax filer must sign and date the form and enter their telephone number. 只有 one signature is required when requesting a joint IRS Verification of Non-filing.
  7. Mail or fax the completed 国税局4506-T表 to the address (or FAX number)
  8. If the 4506-T information is successfully validated, you can expect to receive a paper IRS Verification of Non-filing at the address provided on the request within 5 to 10

Are there special circumstances when I will need to submit documentation other than 美国国税局纳税申报表?


If you are a victim of 国税局身份盗窃 and have been selected for verification, you must provide a copy of your Tax Return DataBase View (TRDBV) along with a signed and dated statement indicating that you are a victim and that the IRS has been notified. 请拨打1-800-908-4490获取TRDBV.


If you file an extension and you have been selected for verification you may submit a copy of the IRS’s approval of an extension beyond the automatic six-month extension for tax year 2021 and Verification of Non-filing from the IRS dated on or after October 1, 2022. You will also need to submit a W-2 or equivalent document from each source of income received and if self-employed, a signed statement certifying the amount 调整后的总收入(AGI)和美国.S. 2021纳税年度的所得税.


If you filed an amended tax return, you will need to turn in a signed copy of your 国税局的形式 1040X along with a copy of the original Form 1040 that you filed with the IRS或您的IRS纳税申报表. 如果你没有你的1040X的副本,你 can request a Record of Account from the IRS through the Get Transcript Service at 国税局.政府 或4506-T表格.


You will need to submit a transcript from the relevant taxing authority listing tax 纳税年度的账户信息. 成绩单可以免费获得. 如果这 is not possible, then a signed copy of the tax return filed with the taxing authority 是可以接受的.

国外的纳税申报单应等同于美国国税局1040表. 收入应 在美国的FAFSA报告.S. 以FAFSA实施时的汇率计算.

For tax filers in Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, American Samoa, or U.S. 维尔京群岛的纳税申报表应等同于美国国税局1040表.

What if I am selected for the Identity/Statement of 教育al Purpose form but cannot 亲自出现?

If you cannot 亲自出现, you must contact Student 金融援助 at finaid@promisesurfing.net 或致电(919)497-3228,索取公证表格. 经公证的表格必须寄回 并附上未过期的政府签发的有效身份证复印件. (行动卡 are NOT an acceptable form of photo ID) We cannot accept faxed or scanned copies.